PDF File Creator by FyTek, Inc. http://www.fytek.com The demo is good for 30 days. After that time you'll need to purchase a copy or download a new demo. Executable Version ------------------ Syntax: pdffile.exe filein fileout [options] OR pdffile.exe source_directory [target_directory] [options] -? - prints this list of options -ver - prints the current version -v - verbose mode -open - open Acrobat with the newly created PDF -print - print the newly created PDF -o - set owner password -u - set user password -noprint - do not allow user to print -nochange - do not allow user to change -nocopy - do not allow user to copy text/graphics -noannote - do not allow user to add/update annotations -e128 - use 128-bit encryption (Acrobat 5.0 and up) -s - include subdirectories -f - flat-file parameters (see the documentation) -b - keep current line breaks -p - print page numbers -nw - no wrap -t type - file type to match (i.e. *.rpt) See the documentation for more information on these options. The program will convert plain ascii files into pdf if you don't use the command language. You can use the -f and -nw options to convert legacy (green bar) type reports into pdf. Use a courier font for best results when using this method since the characters are fixed spaced. Also, you can convert just plain text using the -f and the -b options. This method would work well on this readme.txt file for instance. With either method you can use "in-line" commands. These are commands to change the font, do highlighting, underlining or even add web links. They are HTML like and are described in the documentation. To really have the most control over your where things are placed in your PDF, you'll want to use the command language. This is what the tool was originally designed for. Very precise control over text and line placement, like on a tax form. The idea is to make setting up a complex form like that relatively easy. By building your commands off of database information you can create PDFs on-the-fly over the web. Or just create them for e-mailing. Start by looking at the sample reports included to begin learning how the command language works. It's fairly easy to get started and you'll find that you can get quite creative. To convert a report run: pdffile.exe company.rpt company.pdf Windows DLL ----------- For Visual Basic, go to the Project:References dialog and add the reference to buildPDF. See the sample application and the documentation for information on using. Some methods of build.PDF: setInFile - Sets the input file (or leave blank and use setPDFCmd). setOutfile - Sets the output file (or leave blank to have the PDF commands returned to your program). setPDFCmd - Commands to execute (when not using an input file). Call this method for each command. setOpen - Opens Acrobat with the newly created PDF setPrint - Prints the newly created PDF setMail - Opens an e-mail window with the newly created PDF attached setOwner - Sets the owner password setUser - Sets the user password setNoPrint - Disables printing setNoCopy - Disables copying of text/graphics setNoChange - Disables changes to document setNoAnnote - Disables changes to annotations setEncrypt128 - Use 128-bit encryption (Acrobat 5.0 and up) buildPDF - Command to create the PDF. Flat file methods can be found in the pdfdll.pdf document. There is a sample VB program included. See the documentation for more information on these options. Using the .NET DLL ------------------ The file dotnet.cs shows how to use the .NET DLL with a C# program. You'll need the .NET redistributable or SDK installed (available from Microsoft) in order to use this version. Compile dotnet.cs by running: csc -nologo dotnet.cs -r:pdffiledn.dll The main components are: pdffiledn.dll - The .NET DLL version (this is a .NET dll) perlrt.dll - Needed for the .NET DLL (this is a .NET dll) perlnh.dll - Needed for the .NET DLL (this is a standard dll) The methods for the .NET DLL are the same as those for the standard DLL. You can add pdffiledn.dll and perlrt.dll to the global assembly cache by running the following: gacutil.exe -i perlrt.dll gacutil.exe -i pdffiledn.dll You might need to copy perlnh.dll into the bin directory for web (ASP) applications. pdffiledn.dll will be looking for it when it executes. You will need a copy of Acrobat to view your output. You can get a free copy at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html